Family Readiness Program at Camp Pendleton is located at Bldg. 1795, Camp Pendleton, CA.
Centered primarily on the formal training required for the Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program, classes are available for family members interested in becoming more involved in their unit’s program as a volunteer and for active duty members serving in a supporting role of their unit’s program. Additionally a workshop is held on a bi-annual basis for the spouses of O-3/E-8’s and above, which is constantly evolving and offers participants a chance to learn from each other, share great ideas, and discover where they fit into their unit’s program.
Additionally we facilitate the formalized training for all of the Family Readiness Officers aboard Camp Pendleton, be it their role-specific certification or the unit website administrator’s workshops. These two courses are ONLY open to MCCS employees hired as Family Readiness Officers and Command Appointed Active Duty Members.
Source MCCS Page