The Pharmacy at Buckley AFB offers the following services:
NEW PRESCRIPTIONS: The pharmacy only accepts written or electronic (eRX or provider order entry (POE)) prescriptions. They are unable to accept faxes or verbal orders over the phone.
ALL PRESCRIPTIONS MUST BE ACTIVATED! They do not automatically fill prescriptions that were entered electronically by your provider. Whether you were seen at one of our Buckley clinics or off base, the pharmacy will not fill your prescription until requested. This can be done by phone or in person at the pharmacy. To activate your prescriptions over the phone please call, use option 4 for the pharmacy, then option 3 to speak to a representative. In person, please take a ticket for service.
REFILLS: All refills must be requested via the automated refill line or through the TRICARE on Line (TOL) website. The number to the refill line is 720-847-PILL(7455). The TOL website can be accessed at Please allow one full duty day for your refill(s) to be processed. Refills can be picked up either at the main pharmacy (Satellite Pharmacy) located next to the commissary or at the ScriptCenter, a vending like machine located between the commissary and BX that can be access anytime during normal BX hours.
All completed prescriptions, new and refill, will be kept on the shelf for 10 duty days before being returned to stock.
TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery: Home Delivery is a TRICARE mail order pharmacy benefit administered by Express Scripts. Your prescription(s) will be mailed to your home for little to no cost (depending on your medications).
NON-FORMULARY MEDICATIONS: Buckley pharmacy, like all Air Force pharmacies, operates from a formulary. A formulary is simply a list of medications that are available to all our beneficiaries. In most cases, the pharmacy is unable to special order medications not on formulary. If you have a prescription for a non-formulary medication, it may be available from Home Delivery. Check the Formulary Search Tool located on the Express Scripts website for availability, and/or restrictions, and co-pay information or ask one of the pharmacy staff for assistance.
BRAND NAME: The pharmacy generally requires a mandatory substitution with a FDA approved generic equivalent when available. The pharmacy will not special order brand name medication when generic alternatives are available. Prescriptions written as “Brand Name Medically Necessary” will be referred to Home Delivery. If medical necessity can be established, the brand name drug may be provided by TRICARE Home Delivery. Copays may apply.
VOLUNTEERS: The pickup windows (window 5 &6) and the drive-thru are normally staffed by volunteers. These members are here to help but they cannot activate or process your prescriptions and they cannot answer questions about you medications. Please treat them with respect. If you have a concern, please fill out a comment card or ask to speak to an active duty staff member. If you would like to volunteer, please talk to an active member for an application. The more volunteers we have, the smoother everything runs.
Source: Pharmacy Website