The Airman and Family Readiness Program (A&FRC) is the focal point for family matters and provides a variety of services to military members, retirees, Department of Defense civilians and family members. The A&FRC office at Battle Creek ANG base can assist with the following:
Information & Referral Program
The Information & Referral Program is designed to link people with resources to meet their needs, to help determine those needs and provide assistance and information for services available on-base and within the local community.
Family Life Skills Program
Our Family Life Skills Program offers classes to assist in learning new skills or to tune-up existing ones. A variety of workshops are offered to help improve quality of life. The program is designed to reflect the needs and concerns of the community.
Career Focus Program
The Career Focus Program assists with employment/career development in the local area. This includes workshops on interviewing, self-assessment, and a review of job skills and job search seminars on how to market skills to potential employers.
Transition Assistance Program
Our Transition Assistance Program helps prepare service members for a smooth transition to civilian life. Mandatory counseling, individual assessment and referral are some of the many services offered. A 3-day seminar to assist with preparation for the job search and information on veterans' benefits is also offered.
Relocation Assistance Program
The Relocation Assistance Program provides a support system of information and services to military personnel and their families during a PCS move. The program staff coordinates with other base services to provide a comprehensive support system for relocating families. Items available on military locations include base brochures and videos plus a topical, current information database.
Smooth Move and overseas workshops are available for personnel PCSing. Welcome packets and newcomers information is also provided. Various software programs and media resources are available to help alleviate the stress of the mobile military lifestyle.
Personal Financial Management Program
The Personal Financial Management Program includes individual and family financial counseling. The program offers help and assistance with checking account maintenance, savings, financial planning, consumer credit and investments. Workshops are designed to put clients in control of their finances. Air Force Aid Society is the Air Force charity and provides assistance in the form of loans or grants to military families experiencing short-term financial hardships. Additionally, the AFAS offers the opportunity to apply for their $1,500 education assistance grant program for family members of active duty and retired military members.
Also, AFAS offers a spouse vocational education loan program. The family readiness program has a wide variety of information and resources to assist military members and family members in coping with family separations and military readiness. Morale calls and video teleconferencing are coordinated through the family support center's readiness program. Deployment briefings are provided to assist with pre-deployment, deployment and reunion issues.
Source: michigan veteran resource edirectory