The ID Card Section at Barksdale AFB is located inside the MPS building. They can help you with all your ID, DEERS and CAC issues.
Eligible Persons:
Retirees in receipt of retired pay, or would be in receipt of retired pay but for the receipt of VA compensation or a Civil Service retirement annuity.
Spouses of individuals in (1) above.
Certain former spouses of individuals in (1) above.
Children, including step-children and adopted children, under age 21, or under 23 and attending school full time, or any age if incapacitated before the age of 21 (23 if in school at the onset of the incapacity) and dependent upon the retired sponsor in (1) above for more than half their support.
Parents, parents in-law, and adopted parents, if dependent on the retired sponsor in (1) above for more than one half of their support. Paperwork for incapacitated children over 21 and dependent parents must be approved for medical benefits entitlements by DFAS-CL.
DEERS: Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) is a computerized data bank containing information on military sponsors (active, reserve/guard, retired) and their beneficiaries who may be eligible for medical care and other military privileges. The data bank is automatically updated when a new ID card is obtained. Retirees who acquire new family members after retirement should contact the nearest ID Card Issuing Facility for information on ID Card issue and DEERS enrollment.
Procedures: To issue or renew ID cards, two valid forms of IDs are required. One must be a valid photo ID card. List of acceptable photo IDs are: U.S. Passports, drivers license or federal, state or local government ID, school ID card with photo, military ID. Other acceptable documents are: Social Security or Medicare card, original or certified birth certificate, unexpired foreign passport, permanent resident card. If unsure of your documents, or for clarification, call (318) 456-3710/4883.
Dependent cards: Everyone age 10 and older must have a valid ID card.

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2 Reviews
I would like to know what would I need to enter on the Base I'm not in the military but my husband is thank you have a good day!!
posted about 9 years ago
I would like to know if there could be a after hours time added to the schedule, ie: extra hours on a day during the week, or hours on Saturday once or twice a month?? It is hard for us that work and that live XX miles from base to get there during the regular schedule. Thank you. Roger Ivy MSG, USA Retired.
posted over 9 years ago