The Ombudsmen at Balboa Naval Hospital are volunteers appointed by the commanding officer to serve as an information link between the command leadership and command families. Ombudsmen are trained to disseminate information, including official Department of the Navy and command information, command climate issue and local quality of life improvement opportunities around the community. They also provide resource referrals when needed and can be instrumental in resolving family issues before they require extensive command attention.
Ombudsman's responsibilities include:
- Serve as a liaison between command families and the command.
- Keep the command leadership informed regarding the morale, health and welfare of command families
- Communicate regularly with the command and command families
- Contact families upon arrival to introduce themselves and explain how they can be of help to the family
- Develop and distribute command-approved monthly newsletter
- Maintain an up-to-date list of resources and support organizations available to Navy families
- Serve as a source of emergency and crisis information
- Represent the command at local Ombudsman Assembly meetings
- Avoid conflict of interest
- Maintain confidentiality
- Coordinate services for command families during mobilization or geographic separation.
Source: Website