Mental Health Services at Balboa Naval Hopital provides of a full range mental health services -including substance abuse treatment - to the Fleet and Marines, to all other Tricare Prime patients and to other military beneficiaries on a space available basis. The Directorate strongly supports the highest level of training to Psychiatry Residents and Psychology Interns as well as supports and initiates research that is pertinent to the mission of NMCSD, Navy Medicine, the USN and the Department of Defense.
Source: Mental Health Services Website

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1 Review
The providers have poor customer service! You are not treated as an individual, but instead are treated like a stereo type. Let's face it Mental Health already gets a bad stigma, but then to be treated poorly adds on to the insult. You wonder why people don't want to be seen. Balboa is supposed to be the best but their Mental Health department SUCKS!!
posted about 7 years ago