The Records Transfer officer processes Medical records request for health information and includes inpatient, outpatient and same day surgery Medical records. This Officer also assists in the transfer of outpatient records to and from other military treatment facilities. Medical records requests can be made by walk-in, written (mailed), or fax (619-532-7755). For all Active duty requests or Medical record requests please fax the DD877 to 619-532-9787.
Copies of medical records may be requested through the Outpatient Records Counter, Window 1, building 1, Monday – Friday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
Please note that requests for any health information cannot be processed without a signed request from the patient or legal representative. The form should be mailed to:
Attn: Medical Records Transfer
Naval Medical Center-Records Transfer
34800 Bob Wilson Drive, Suite 114
San Diego, CA 92134-114
Retired Records:
Inpatient, outpatient and same day surgery records are retired to the National Personnel Record Center after five years of no activity. Below is the point of contact information for the National Personnel Records Center. National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63138
Phone: (314) 801-0800
Fax: (314)-801-9195

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1 Review
I am pregnant and my husband was relocated. My doctor has been waiting 4 months for my records which they need for my past surgical history and I requested them myself two months ago. They never answer the phone and there is no way to contact them. Good luck getting your records.
posted about 6 years ago