The Housing Management Office (HMO) at Aviano AB is ready to support you in the transition to your new home and community. Use the resources provided to become familiar with the housing options and support services available to you.
You will undoubtedly hear the phrase "You're not in Kansas anymore" as you begin to work through the many nuances of working and living in Italy. Yes, getting settled into your new home can be challenging. Many of the normal tasks you have become familiar with when transferring between installations in CONUS are done differently here. The most important item you can pack, along with your household goods, is a great deal of patience.
When you arrive at Aviano, your first week will consist of Wing Newcomers Orientation, Wing Inprocessing, and house hunting. During Wing Inprocessing you will receive a briefing from the Housing Office. The briefing includes information on Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA), government and community housing, and types of furnishings that are available. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. Members should report to their CSS within 24 hours of arrival in country where they will be given the Newcomers Orientation & Inprocessing agenda, an Inprocessing checklist, and a list of required documents.
Source: AF Housing Website