The ID Card Section/DEERS handles ID card and DEERS needs.
Appointment Instructions:
One appointment may consist of (1) CAC OR up to (2) Dependent ID cards. Please schedule multiple appointments based on the number of ID cards needed.
All customers must sign in NLT 10 minutes prior to appointment time.
Cancel/Reschedule Appointments:
Customers will need to know their confirmation number to cancel/reschedule an appointment. Please keep a copy of your appointment confirmation page.
Identification Requirements:
Customers 18 years and older MUST have TWO government and/or state issued forms of identification to receive a new CAC/Dependent/Retiree ID card. One form MUST be an UNEXPIRED photo ID. (NOTE: Concealed Handgun License, school/work badges cannot be used)
Please visit for a complete list of acceptable documents.
Document Authenticity:
All documents presented to the ID Card office must be originals or certified copies.
Lost CAC/ID Cards:
Customers are required to draft a memorandum stating that the individual has made every effort to find the lost card but has not been successful.
For military members/civilian employees, the memorandum must be endorsed by their squadron commander or first sergeant.
For contractors, the memorandum must be endorsed by their Trusted Agent (TA).
Stolen/Confiscated CAC/ID Cards:
Customers must report to Security Forces to complete either an incident report or AF Form 52. Customers must bring either the incident report or AF Form 52 to the ID Card Section to be issued a replacement CAC/ID card.
Eligibility Requirements, MILITARY MEMBERS:
Official documentation must be presented for any updates or changes (i.e. Promotion Orders, Birth Certificate, Divorce Decree, Marriage Certificate, Court Order, etc.). Customers must present two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE).
For PROMOTION, provide promotion order or vMPF promotion printout. For FROCK, provide frocking letter, page 13, or early pin on letter.
Eligibility Requirements, DOD CIVILIAN:
Must have two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE). All data must be previously input through Civilian Personnel Center.
DoD Civilians deploying must have a DD Form 2365 or LOA. Members retiring must have a SF Form 50 or memorandum from Civilian Personnel. Contact your HR department for family member base access eligibility requirements.
Eligibility Requirements, DOD CONTRACTORS:
Must have two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE). All data must be previously input and verified through the Contractor Verification System. Contact your HR department for family member base access eligibility requirements.
Contractors deploying must have a SOFA agreement, SPOT LOA, and a DD Form 1172-2 requesting the overseas card.
Eligibility Requirements, RETIREES:
Must have two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE). For Initial Retirement ID card, ID cards will be issue no earlier than on the last day prior to the retirement date; provide Retirement Orders or DD Form 214 (Copy 4).
Age 65 Medicare Eligible: Please provide your approved eligibility letter or Medicare Card from Social Security office.
Eligibility Requirements, 100% DAV:
Must have DD Form 214 and two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE). Provide Letter from VA showing member as an honorably discharged veteran rated as 100% service connected authorizing commissary and exchange privileges.
Eligibility Requirements, FAMILY MEMBERS:
Must have two forms of identification (SEE ABOVE) and (1) Sponsor present, OR (2) a original unexpired "Special" ID Card Issuance Power of Attorney, OR (3) a original DD Form 1172-2 signed by an ID Card Verifying Official and the Sponsor (within 90 days).
Age 65 Medicare Eligible: Please provide your approved eligibility letter or Medicare Card from Social Security office.
Adding a Spouse to DEERS:
Sponsor must provide Marriage Certificate, Spouses Birth Certificate, Spouses Social Security Card, and one form of photo identification (SEE ABOVE). All documents must be originals or certified copies. Spouse must be present to have ID Card issued.
MIL-TO-MIL couples must provide Marriage Certificate, Spouses Birth Certificate, Spouses Social Security Card, and Spouse must provide one form of identification (SEE ABOVE).
If your Spouse is a foreign national, Sponsor must provide a marriage certificate, valid passport, and birth certificate. All foreign documents must be translated in English by a certified translator.
Removing a Spouse from DEERS:
Sponsor must provide Certified Original or Court Certified Copy of the Divorce Decree or Death Certificate.
Adding a child to DEERS:
Sponsor must provide the following documents:
(NEW BORN) Birth Certificate or authenticated Certificate Of Live Birth (signed by physician or designated representative) and Social Security Card. If a stepchild is being added, the Marriage Certificate must also be provided.
(CHILD BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK) FEMALE Sponsors: Birth Certificate and Social Security Card; MALE Sponsors: Notarized State Acknowledgement of Paternity/Court Order Establishing Paternity, Birth Certificate, and Social Security Card.
NOTE: As long as another family member is enrolled in TRICARE Prime, newborns are covered for 60 days from DOB and adopted children are covered for 60 days from effective date of adoption.
Full Time College Students:
College students (21-23) must provide the following:
Letter from registrar's office (school letterhead required) or the National Clearinghouse ( showing full time status & grad date in an Accredited Institution for Higher learning in pursuit of an Associate Degree or higher.
Must also provide current dependent ID card, unexpired photo ID and one additional form of identification (SEE ABOVE). Note: School IDs are not acceptable.
Adding a Incapacitated Child into DEERS:
Sponsor must complete an initial ID card application at the ID Card office. A statement from the Social Security Administration (if not already enrolled in Medicare Part A & B) and a medical sufficiency statement is needed to obtain the DD Form 1172-2.
Sponsor must also complete a DD Form 137-5. Sponsor will submit all documents to Finance. Once completed, sponsor must provide the DFAS letter of approval, Dependent Military ID card and one form of identification (SEE ABOVE).
For a ID Card renewal, sponsor must make an appointment to receive a new ID Card.
Adding a Dependent Ward into DEERS:
Sponsor must provide a DFAS letter of approval, Court Document placing the child in the member's household for at least 12 months, Birth Certificate, and Social Security card.
Adding a Parent/Parent in-law into DEERS:
Sponsor must complete an initial ID card application at the ID Card office and a DD Form 137-3. Sponsor must provide Sponsor, Spouse, and Parent/Parent-in-law Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, and Social Security Cards to obtain the DD Form 1172.
Sponsor will submit all documents to Finance. Once completed, Sponsor must provide the DFAS letter of approval as well as Sponsor, Spouse, & Parent/In-law Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Social Security Cards, and two forms of ID (SEE ABOVE).
For a ID Card renewal, sponsor must provide a completed DFAS Re-determination in order to receive a new ID Card.
Age 65 Medicare Eligible: Please provide your approved eligibility letter or Medicare Card from Social Security office.
DFAS Phone Numbers:
USAF: (317)212-3657; USN: 1-888-332-7411; USA: 1-888-332-7411; USMC: (703)784-9529.
PKI Certificates:
If you need to log into both AF/NMCI computer systems and are unable due to your email address being incorrect on your ID card then you will need to change your email address online at Click on Change CAC Email.
Other Federal Agency Employees:
You will need to provide a verified DD Form 1172-2, A valid Photo ID, Social Security Card, a DoD Email address and a DD form 577 Signature Card must be on file.
Source: RAPIDS

Leave a Review
3 Reviews
I tried over and over again to make an appointment through rapids No results. The systems says that it is too easy to use. I guess I just don't get it.????
posted over 7 years ago
Customer service phone tree did not reveal documents required of everyone to support any application for replacement identification card, retired or otherwise.
posted over 7 years ago
There was a very long line when I went but they were reasonably efficient once I got to a clerk. They seem like they could use a little more capacity to handle the amount of traffic they get.
posted over 9 years ago