Guest Policy
Active duty members, dependents 18 years of age and retired members will assume the responsibility of his/her guest.
Guest member must sign into the fitness center. One guest per member only.
Age Restrictions
REF: AFI 34-266
13-15 YRS OF AGE
All cardio equipment and weight equipment, group exercise rooms: Require interactive supervision from an adult (parent, legal guardian, or youth program staff member/coach) at all times.
**Other activity areas (basketball, racquetball court, running track): Parent or guardian must be in facility.
All cardio equipment and weight equipment, group exercise rooms: Access to these areas prohibited.
**Other activity areas (basketball court, racquetball court, running track): Requires interactive supervision from an adult at all times.
Not allowed in facility with the exception of those facilities providing a parent/child area (PCA) for supervised play and/or those children who are supervised spectators in a sport or special event.
Children age 6 and over are not allowed in the opposite gender locker room/dressing areas.
Personnel, utilizing the facility must be in proper athletic attire. No military uniforms, or part thereof, casual slacks/shorts, jeans, and cut-off clothing. Plastic/rubber suits are not authorized in any fitness facility, to include outdoor running tracks and fields. Customers not wearing proper attire will be asked to change or leave the facility.
Eligibility for Fitness Center Use: Age restrictions apply to youth 15 and under. Active duty military members, active guard/reserve and military retirees may sponsor one guest at a time; guest must present a photo ID.