The Casualty Affairs Office is responsible for notifying family members when a service member has died. A Casualty Affrairs Office (CAO) will provide as much information as available regarding the circumstances of the member's death and will answer any questions. The CAO will also ensure that the survivors immediate needs are being met during this difficult time. The CAO will immediately begin the process of providing any assistance available in making funeral or memorial arrangements as appropriate.
The CAO will assist beneficiaries in the preparation and submission of claims to various government agencies for benefits to which you may be entitled. In addition, the Personnel Command will provide the CAO with a Casualty Assistance Call Package for the next of kin. This package will contain various benefit forms. CAO will provide assistance all claims are filed and settled or until any issues regarding those benefits are resolved. The next of kin may choose to release the CAO at any time that he or she feels that their assistance is no longer needed or desired.