The Stables at 29 Palsm rents spaces for those needing a place to board their horses. For just $125 a month, this self-care horse boarding facility offers a 24' x 24' partially covered stall, a tack locker in a locked tack room, round pen, mini-arena, a pasture with pond, shoeing area, wash racks and miles of trails. Mares and Geldings accepted. Stallions are not permitted.
If you wish to see the facility, please check in at the Outdoor Adventures building during normal business hours.
Incoming horses spend a minimum of 10 days in quarantine, during which time the horse may not leave the stall. Once cleared by the vet, the horse is relocated to a permanent stall and access to the entire facility is granted.
Owners must:
• Feed their horse twice a day
• Clean the stall one to two times a day
• Provide regular worming, farrier and veterinarian care
• Exercise horse three times a week, this does not include
pasture turn out
• Maintain boarding area in clean and sanitary condition
Required Vaccines: Eastern/Western 3-Way, Flu, Rabies, Rhino and West Nile Virus
Source: MCCS Website