The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program at 29 Palms is dedicated to eliminating sexual assault within the Marine Corps and providing continuity of care for victims of sexual assault through effective education, policy, and program support. The Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) aboard the Combat Center are responsible for providing confidential support and services to victims of sexual assault. If you or someone you know needs assistance regarding a sexual assault, they are here to help you. Other resources available to you are your unit’s Uniformed Victim Advocates (UVAs) and the Installation’s Civilian Victim Advocates (VAs). Every battalion/squadron has at least two trained and assigned UVAs who are ready to assist a sexual assault victim. Rest assured that your discussion with a UVA or VA is confidential.
What are your reporting options?
Restricted reporting allows victims of sexual assault to receive support, advocacy, a forensic exam, and counseling without a law enforcement investigation or chain of command involvement. Restricted reporting protects the victim’s identity and, except in rare instances, assures absolute confidentiality.
Unrestricted reporting allows victims of sexual assault to receive support, advocacy, a forensic exam, and counseling with a law enforcement investigation and the support of the chain of command. Unrestricted reporting informs the victim’s chain of command, affords maximum protection of the victim from the offender, and ensures a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the assault in order to hold the offender(s) accountable for the criminal conduct.
In order to make a fully informed choice, restricted reporting versus unrestricted reporting, be sure to speak to a SARC, your UVA, a VA, or a chaplain. VAs can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 760.799.0273. You also have the option of calling the DoD SafeHelpline for confidential, live one-on-one help at 1.877.995.5247 or visit their website at In the event of an emergency, call 911 from any landline, or dial 760.830.3333 if you are calling from a cell phone. Once you inform law enforcement officials, restricted reporting is no longer an option. Additionally, in California, medical care providers are REQUIRED to report sexual assault to law enforcement. Your UVAs are the only individuals in your command who can receive and help you submit a restricted sexual assault report.
Protect your right to privacy by understanding your reporting options before you discuss your personal situation with anyone else.
Source: 29 Palms SAPR Website