The Combat Center Library at 29 Palms has a wealth of informational resources from books to Internet access, as well as trained professionals to help you find what you need.
Make & Take Craft Tuesdays - First Tuesday of the Month (registration is essential)
6:00 - 7:30pm at Shadow Mountain Branch Library, Bldg. 692 (Adults 18 + only)
Board at the Library - Every 2nd Saturday of the Month (no registration necessary)
1700-2030 at Combat Center Library, Bldg. 1524 (Adults 18 + only)
Shadow Mountain Branch Library
(Changes go into place on October 1st)
Storytimes (ages 2-5): Monday & Wednesday, 1030-1100 | Tuesdays, 1400-1430
Read & Play (ages 0-2): Tuesdays, 1030-1100
Family Story Time (all ages): 2nd Sunday of the Month, 1400-1500
Bilingual Story Time (ages 2-5): 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 1030-1100
Makerspace for Youth: every last Wednesday of the month (Ages 7-11), 20 participants
Makerspace for Teens: every last Friday of the month (Ages 12-17), 20 participants
In order to open a new account, patrons must present a valid ID card and up-to-date contact information. Eligible patrons include, Active Duty Service Members stationed in 29 Palms, Dependent family members, Retirees or GS/NAF employees aboard the base.
Most items may be checked out from the library for three weeks at a time. Library collections include DVDs, video games, audiobooks, Playaway items, fiction, nonfiction, reference, young adult and children’s titles.
Interlibrary loans from other Marine Corps libraries are available upon request.
Internet computers with Microsoft Office are available for patron use. Patrons are limited to printing 5 pages per day. There is a 30 minute time limit for computers if patrons are waiting.
Photocopying is available at the circulation desk. Patrons are limited to copying 5 pages per day. We will not copy medical records or unit copies. Free fax and scanning services are available.
TV, DVD player, WII, Xbox 360 and iPads are available for patron use. Please inquire at the circulation desk.
Newspapers and magazines are available for in-house use.
Home » Marine & Family Programs » P&PD » Combat Center Library
Combat Center Library
Combat Center Library
Bldg. 1524
FAX: 760.830.4497
Monday - Friday: 8am - 7:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 4pm
The Combat Center Library has a wealth of informational resources from books to Internet access, as well as trained professionals to help you find what you need.
Navy MWR Brochure (pdf)
Military Library Catalogues
Make & Take Craft Tuesdays - First Tuesday of the Month (registration is essential)
6:00 - 7:30pm at Shadow Mountain Branch Library, Bldg. 692 (Adults 18 + only)
Board at the Library - Every 2nd Saturday of the Month (no registration necessary)
5:00 - 8:30pm at Combat Center Library, Bldg. 1524 (Adults 18 + only)
Shadow Mountain Branch Library
(Changes go into place on October 1st)
Storytimes (ages 2-5): Monday & Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:00am | Tuesdays, 2 -2:30pm
Read & Play (ages 0-2): Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11:00am
Family Story Time (all ages): 2nd Sunday of the Month, 2:00 - 3:00pm
Bilingual Story Time (ages 2-5): 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 10:30 - 11:00am
Makerspace for Youth: every last Wednesday of the month (Ages 7-11), 20 participants
Makerspace for Teens: every last Friday of the month (Ages 12-17), 20 participants
In order to open a new account, patrons must present a valid ID card and up-to-date contact information. Eligible patrons include, Active Duty Service Members stationed in 29 Palms, Dependent family members, Retirees or GS/NAF employees aboard the base.
Most items may be checked out from the library for three weeks at a time. Library collections include DVDs, video games, audiobooks, Playaway items, fiction, nonfiction, reference, young adult and children’s titles.
Interlibrary loans from other Marine Corps libraries are available upon request.
Internet computers with Microsoft Office are available for patron use. Patrons are limited to printing 5 pages per day. There is a 30 minute time limit for computers if patrons are waiting.
Photocopying is available at the circulation desk. Patrons are limited to copying 5 pages per day. We will not copy medical records or unit copies. Free fax and scanning services are available.
TV, DVD player, WII, Xbox 360 and iPads are available for patron use. Please inquire at the circulation desk.
Newspapers and magazines are available for in-house use.
Visit our library catalog at to search materials available in our collection from any computer, smart phone or tablet; at home or in the library. Patrons have FREE, anytime access to online resources including:
Britannica An online encyclopedia for various levels and languages including Academic and School Editions, Spanish Reference Center, and a Modern Encyclopedia.
eBooks, eAudiobooks, & eMagazines Access eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines through the MWR Digital Library using both OverDrive and RBDigital. Registration with both sites will give the user access to over 300,000 titles. Your library's collection of popular digital magazines includes both new and backlist titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limits. See a library staff member for assistance with registration.
Mango A digital language learning program for learners of all levels, with courses in over 70 different foreign languages, 21 English Language Learning courses, and 44 specialty courses designed to celebrate world cultures.
Military One Source Provides access to®, a K-12, multiple-subject online tutoring service with live tutors available 24 hours a day. TumbleBook Library™ offers a wide variety of interactive, online stories for children of all ages.
Navy MWR Digital Library for ebooks, research and more please visit the 24/7/365 Digital Library
Research Databases Providing information on investment guidance, newspapers, journal articles, health and leisure, automotive repair and many other subjects.
Universal Class™ Continuing education classes for personal enrichment.
Source: MCCS Website